Consultancy and Industrial Projects
[FIM-APEng:2007, PI] Project Name/Description: FIM project Role: Principal Investigator Source of Funding: Funding in Kind from Ambient Performance Ltd. and Engenuity Technologies Inc. Total Budget: £2500 estimated value of contribution in terms of software licence and staff time from both companies.
[Consultancy-BAe:2002, CI] Project Name/Description: Consultancy Role: Co-Investigator Source of Funding: Company buyout 2002 Value: £2400 approx. this is the portion of my contribution and hence value to Faculty from received consultancy fees. The overall consultancy was larger and involved other colleagues. Since I was not the overall manager I do not have figures for the total budget.
[Consultancy-GV:1999, PI] Project Name/Description: Consultancy Role: Principal Investigator Source of Funding: Company buyout 1999 Value: £3600 in received consultancy fees.
[TCS-Holage:2001, CI] Project Name/Description: Holage Management and Planning System - Teaching Company Scheme (TCS): this was a TCS partnership in collaboration with a holage company with a software development department. There were looking at developing their in-house software to a product that is available to other similar companies. Role: Co-Investigator Source of Funding: Teaching Company (UK) Scheme [Predecessor to KTP/InnovateUK]. Value: since I was not the overall manager I do not have figures for the total budget but it followed the standard TCS funding available at the time.
Funded Networks
[EUCog, 2013 -Now] Member of EUCog - European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics (ID: 2310,
[AIinGames, 2008-2010] Member of An Industry/Academia Research Network on Artificial Intelligence and Games Technologies, EPSRC funded network (
[CompuSteer, 2007-2008] Member of the CompuSteer computational steering network, EPSRC funded network (
[EURON II, 2004-2007] Represented DMU in EURON Network of Excellence (EU FP6)
[EURON I, 2002-2004] Represented DMU in EURON Network of Excellence (EU FP5)
[AgentLink I, 2001-2003] Represented DMU in AgentLink Network of Excellence (EU FP5)